What is Philosophy? : Crash Course Philosophy #1

Okay so who doesn't know about the Green brothers . I absolutely love their channel crash course . I believe their crash course philosophy course is brilliant . I 'll be providing the course's notes here .less go 

Welcome to the fascinating world of philosophy, where we embark on a journey of inquiry into the nature of reality, the human condition, and the fundamental questions that have intrigued and perplexed philosophers for centuries. In this blog post, we will delve into the introduction of Crash Course Philosophy, hosted by Hank Green, and explore the major branches of philosophy—metaphysics, epistemology, and value theory. We will discover the essence of philosophy and its relevance to our lives.

Philosophy: Beyond Opinions and Approaches At its core, philosophy is a disciplined way of approaching the world that traces its roots back to ancient Greece. Hank Green describes how philosophy emerged as an analytical and scientific method, distinct from storytelling and mythos. It encompassed a wide range of disciplines, including math, biology, physics, poetry, political science, and astronomy. Over time, philosophy evolved into a way of thinking about profound questions that science alone couldn't answer.

The Big Questions of Philosophy

Metaphysics: Exploring the Nature of Reality

Metaphysics involves understanding the fundamental nature of the world, the universe, and being. It raises questions about the origin of the world, the existence of God, and the nature of the self. Philosophers ponder the essence of reality and investigate whether there is something beyond matter and energy.

  1. Epistemology: The Study of Knowledge

  2. Epistemology delves into the nature of knowledge and the ways we acquire it. Philosophers explore the reliability of our perceptions, the validity of our beliefs, and the methods we use to uncover truth. They examine the role of science and contemplate the possibility of alternative paths to understanding.

  3. Value Theory: Ethics and Aesthetics

  4. Value theory encompasses two branches: ethics and aesthetics. Ethics focuses on how humans should live and interact with one another, exploring questions of morality, obligations, and values. Aesthetics, on the other hand, investigates the nature of beauty and art, contemplating objective beauty and subjective appreciation.

  5. The Two-Step Method of Philosophical Inquiry

Hank Green introduces the two-step method that underlies philosophical inquiry.

First, one must strive to genuinely understand different perspectives and ideas, even if they disagree with them.

Second, critical evaluation comes into play, where one examines and challenges these ideas, aiming to construct well-reasoned arguments and formulate personal conclusions.

Philosophy in Everyday Life

Contrary to popular belief, philosophy is not confined to the ivory tower of academia. It permeates our daily lives, influencing our decisions, actions, and values. Hank Green highlights that we engage in philosophical thinking whenever we ponder our place in the world, contemplate moral choices, or question the nature of reality. Philosophy provides a framework for understanding and evaluating our experiences.

As we conclude this blog post, we have just scratched the surface of the vast realm of philosophy. We have explored its origins, its central questions, and the practical application of philosophical thinking in our lives.

Philosophy invites us to think critically, challenge assumptions, and develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. So, let us embark on this intellectual journey, ready to embrace the uncertainties and engage in the timeless pursuit of wisdom.


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