Marcus Aurelius — How to Live A Good Life


Life is a series of events, some joyous and others deeply challenging. How we perceive and interpret these events plays a significant role in shaping our perspective and determining our overall life satisfaction. In this blog post, we will explore the philosophy of Marcus Aurelius, who is considered to be one of the last "5 Good Emperors" of Rome, whose wisdom continues to inspire and guide people even centuries after his death. By understanding Marcus Aurelius' philosophy, we can learn to craft a lens through which we perceive the world and find greater meaning in our own lives.

When faced with events like the passing of a loved one, the end of a marriage, or the loss of a job, it is natural to question whether they are inherently good or bad. However, Marcus Aurelius reminds us that the evaluation of these events depends on the context and our personal perspective.

Marcus Aurelius emphasizes that we have the power to write our own life stories and assign meaning to events. Losing a job, for example, may initially evoke feelings of worthlessness, but it can also serve as a catalyst for self-discovery and the realization of our true potential. Therefore, any life event is neither inherently good nor bad; it is the narrative we construct around it that determines its impact on our lives.

As we continue to write our life stories, they converge to form our personal philosophy, which serves as a pair of lenses through which we view the world. Marcus Aurelius believed that our existence is interconnected, and we are all integral parts of a greater whole, which he called Nature. By embracing this interconnectedness, we can strive to live in harmony with others and the world around us.

According to Marcus Aurelius, two virtues are fundamental for leading a good life: justice and piety. Justice entails cooperating with others, focusing on what is in our control, and contributing to the common good. By recognizing that what benefits society ultimately benefits individuals, we can foster cooperation and understanding.

 Piety, on the other hand, involves accepting that we cannot control everything that happens to us. Marcus Aurelius urges us to embrace our fate, trusting in the wisdom of Nature and accepting that events unfold according to a greater plan. By holding ourselves accountable for our actions and serving the common good, we can find solace in knowing that we have done our part.

For Marcus Aurelius, a good life is one lived in alignment with Nature. This alignment involves understanding that we have control over our perceptions and actions, while external events lie beyond our influence. By embracing the interconnectedness of all things and recognizing our role within the larger whole, we can cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning.

The philosophy of Marcus Aurelius offers profound insights into finding meaning and fulfillment in life. By understanding that events are neither inherently good nor bad and that our perceptions and narratives shape our reality, we can navigate life's challenges with resilience and wisdom. By practicing justice, cooperating with others, and serving the common good, we contribute to the harmony of the greater whole. And by embracing our fate and aligning our actions with Nature, we can find peace and purpose in our journey.

So let's draw inspiration from Marcus Aurelius and strive to live in accordance with Nature, shaping our own stories and finding meaning in the interconnectedness of all things. In doing so, we can create a life that is guided by justice, enriched by cooperation and imbued with a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment.


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